Tuesday, March 18, 2008

reflection 2

Reflection 2

What information that in this unit did you find interesting?

In unit 1, I was introduced to the correct way to understand and think critically. After I learned how to understand what is critical literacy is, in unit 2 is more on perspectives. The reading 2.1 battling the bullies is the interesting part in this unit. This article described and focuses on the bully cases that were increase in Australian education institution currently. This article also includes the experiences of one student being bully in his school and he was traumatic and always gave excuses to go to the school. The parent in addition need to be more concern on their children like what Mary Watson had done to help his son from traumatize. Furthermore, school must be more aware on this serious problem instead of doing nothing.

Were any concept/tasks/terminology difficult to understand?

The concept that I find difficult is perspective, and this concept still blurred and need to polish up to be better in the future. Background reading 2.2, ‘language, perspective, ideology’ explain the technique to find the perspective. As illustration, the writers compared two local foreign newspapers on the almost exactly same with different approach and bring some difficulty to the reader to understand and find the main point. Background reading 2.3 ‘texts and textualities’ teach how some picture and text can describe the hidden meaning that the writer wants to show. This method makes me confused and I still try to master this technique.

Differences between two readings.

In the ‘battling the bullies’ the writer tell about the bullying cases getting worse day by day in Australia. The purpose of this article is to inform how bad and serious this bully cases and the writer support and strengthen the article by putting the picture of someone been bullied to shows to parent and educational institution to take some action toward this problem. But in the ‘language, perspective, ideology’ the writer want the reader to think more wider, critically and out of a box instead just understand the article.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

first reflextion

What information in this unit that you find interesting?

Firstly in this unit all information is interesting because this is the first time I’m learning how to think critically. On the article of ‘convicted killer back at work’ I need to think out of the box. Because we are provided with the article present a picture on a side, this article mentioned that the nurse Deborah Perry is a killer but her face totally contrast with what that her been pictured. This article is for the writer to help the nurse and the writer perspective is she looks this issue in a positive way and she tries to convince the readers that Deborah Parry was not guilty. And this article needs me to think whether Deborah is guilty or not.

Were any concepts/tasks/terminology difficult to understand?

In the topic stories and fact (Martin, J R) we are introduced to know to distinguish what that essay are for instance is it factual or not. Can be trust or it just plagiarize from other. Every topic has difference elaboration on how to understand and differentiate the every type of essays. For example, the swimming club rules (Fowler, Roger and Kress) educate people how to understand whether there is command or reminder. Some of the words are strictly need to beware to avoid from misunderstanding.

Compare the ’convicted killer’ with the way you approached it in the portfolio. Comment on any differences between the two readings?

The article convicted killer is a direct story of a nurse who was convicted killing her own colleague but in the portfolio we need to criticize all the detail and critically give our own opinion toward the article. The differences that been point out is how to write properly because every writing that we produce should consider on every aspect to prevent from any misinterpretation. Furthermore, the reading usage of language and examples manage to make people easy to understand. And this is the lesson that I might be using on my future essays.
